Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Pertanyaan dari warga twitter

 Suatu hari dipenghujung senja, saat saya berkelana menembus perajalanan pulang. Diantar oleh kereta beroda empat yang meluncur di sepanjang jalan aspal dalam tempo yang tidak pasti. Terus terang, perjalanan ini terkadang terasa melelahkan dan membosankan, sehingga untuk membuatnya lebih menarik, saya mulai bertanya kepada warga dari kerajaan Twitter kiranya mereka mau berbaik hati untuk memberikan pertanyaan yang unik dan menarik yang ingin mereka tanyakan tentang saya. Bersyukur untuk warga Twitter yang begitu baik dan mau meluangkan waktunya untuk memberikan pertanyaan ke saya. Dari sekian banyak inilah pilihan saya:

RT @: @ whats the name of your very very very first pet?!

Tracy: I believed it was kodok kecil di perkarangan rumah saat saya berusia di bawah 5 tahun, suka nangkap kodok dan main sama anak kodok. trus juga anak cicak. 
oops! tanpa bermaksud untuk nakutin, I also like normal pet kok :p  a puppy! they are soooo cute, my first puppy given to me when I was 7! . 
Tapi my most favourite pet I ever seen adalah orang utan milik tetangga.

RT @: @ did you ever date a man shorter than you?

Hahaha... Yes! my 1st boyfriend was 5 cm shorter than me =)

RT @: @ when was the last time you touched a tiger/lion?

Tracy: It was in Bali zoo in 2008 it was such an awesome feeling. I'll try to find the photo if I could. 

RT @: @ who is your first love?? Masih kontak sama dia ga? :p

Tracy: depend, my first crush when I was in the 5th grade, but I was dating my first boyfriend few years later for 6 years. I don't stay in touch with any of my ex boyfriends, because we moved on and is better this way.

RT @: @ if you were cartoon character, which one match to you?

Tracy: Ariel! the mermaid, it's sooooo me! hahahaha.....

RT @: @ when the first fall in love with Jesus??? :D

Tracy: The day I trusted Him to be my Saviour, the day He changed my heart. never been the same eversince, the love just goes stronger and deeper. 

RT @: @ : hev u ever fell on runway ??

Tracy: Yes I did! and it happened in Paris' Haute Couture show of yves saint laurent. I turned red tomato. 

RT @: @ when is your most diffucult time in your life? And how do you manage to deal with it?
 Tracy: Many times and I realised that period of time actually has teaches me the most more than all the good time I had. 

RT @: @ when and why you decide to full time for Jesus? :)

Tracy: When I realised everything is meaningless and I come to know The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and I can't resist. 

RT @: @ are u going to be a female priest? Or is there one?

Tracy: I'm a pastor at IES Church in Jakarta
 ( believed it or not, hahaha....)

RT @: @ my silly question to you: 3 words to describe you?
 Tracy: I actually have to bbm my closestfriend @adeandrini to ask her the same question, let me quote what she said: " Kind, Loyal, Smart." trust me,  I turned red tomato again.

RT @: @ apa kebiasaan tracy waktu kecil sehingga bisa tinggi seperti sekarang ? :)
Tracy: Makan bambu, lidi dan kacang panjang, hahahahaaha.... just kidding! 
well I think I swim alot, like sehari bisa 3 sampe 5 jam di pantai legian, dekat rumah, but mostly is in the genes, both my parents are tall.

Ini bukanlah akhir dari pertanyaan dari warga Twitter, karena akan terus ada perjalanan membosankan dari kantor kerumah yang membuat saya akan bertanya kembali. 
Is your questions will be next?

Friday, January 07, 2011

Martin Luther on the Bible and saved by grace

                Martin Luther on the Bible and saved by grace
Christian today are so privileged to have the freedom to read numerous resources regarding anything they need to know and study concerning their faith. Have you ever wondered where we got this freedom from?  To hold an English bible or to understand certain doctrines in a language you understand. In the modern life that we live today, we are often found enjoying privileges and yet we do not want to know where we get this from and what the story behind it is.  To understand what happened in the past can sometimes help us to make sense of today.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011



        Ada buku yang menarik perhatian saya dimasa kecil, yaitu "Buku Pintar: Mengapa Begini, Mengapa Begitu?". Buku ini memiliki 24 seri judul:
1. Alam
2. Aneka Keajaiban
3. Beginilah Kerjanya
4. Binatang Sahabat Kita
5. Bumi dan Angkasa
6. Bunga dan Pohon
7. Cobalah Sendiri
8. Dinosaurus
9. Dunia di Sekitar Kita
10. Dunia Serangga
11. Ekologi dan Lingkungan
12. Geografi dan Peta
13. Ilmuwan Kecil
14. Kehidupan Dalam Air
15. Kehidupan Sehari-hari
16. Mengenal Masyarakat
17. Musik dan Seni Rupa
18. Penemuan dan Reka Cipta
19. Percobaan Sederhana
20. Roda dan Sayap
21. Satwa Liar
22. Tempat-Tempat Terkenal
23. Tubuh Kita
24. Ulah Binatang
Seluruh buku tersebut membuat alam pemikiran saya dan kebun pengetahuan saya bertumbuh dan berkembang, seperti air yang menyegarkan daun ide serta bunga realisasi dalam kehidupan pola pikir saya.
Ketika saya beranjak dewasa, makin banyak pertanyaan yang saya miliki. Rasa penasaran bercampur ketidakmengertian membuat saya terus bertanya "Mengapa begini? Dan mengapa begitu?".

Monday, January 03, 2011

Recommended Reading - Christianity-

Introductory Recommended Reading
John Bunyan, Pilgrims Progress
Daily Light on the Daily Path (collection of Bible readings)
Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth
Os Guinness, The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life
C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
C.S. Lewis, Screwtape Letters
J.I. Packer, Knowing God
Roger Steer, George Muller: Delighted in God
John Stott, The Cross of Christ
John White, The Fight
Brother Yun, Heavenly Man
Ravi Zacharias, The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us through the Events of Our Lives

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Note: The Gospels and Acts

The Gospels and Acts
The crux of the Bible lies within the Gospels. The entire Bible is meant to set up and then compliment the life of Jesus Christ, which is documented in the Gospels. Every key concept in the Bible lies within the Gospels. In layman’s terms, the Gospels are essentially Christianity 101. All of the foundations of Christianity are laid out in the Gospels. Acts on the other hand is more of a transitional book from the evangelical ministry of Christ's original disciples into the ministry of Paul.

Historical Background:
Jesus was born in the reign of Herod the Great who died shortly thereafter. Archelaus was his designated successor, he was however banished for 10 years due to the problems he inherited from his father. Samaria and Judea subsequently became direct Roman rule, headed by prefects as Pilate. Galilee and Perea became under the rule of Herod Antipas until A.D 39 when he was banished and Herod Agrippa took over. Two years later, Cesar Claudius enlarged his territory to Judea and Perea till his death in A.D44 at which point his land came back under direct Roman rule. Tension between Romans and Jews at this time intensified leading to a revolt in A.D 66 and climaxing in the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D 70.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

- The spiritual quest of Augustine -

The spiritual quest of Augustine

Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430 AD) was a great Christian theologian who made a significant impact throughout the centuries. His life journey was one of radical change, from being very open to the wild lifestyle such as partying, getting drunk, and free sex, to a transformation of his spirituality that led him in the end to know Jesus Christ as his Savior. After he become Christian, he gave a great contribution to the Christian world by defending the Christian faith, and in his teaching to strengthen the Christians. In his books ‘Confessions’, he expressed his ability in both natural and trained as a persuader. Augustine tries to demonstrate to the reader through his own life experience how God works in human lives. With his persuasive style he is able to engage with the thinkers in his time and that leads to many conversions. The time he spent pondering on God’s grace, the graces that saved him and gave him life with new meaning, has gave him public recognition as ‘the doctor of Grace’.