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Friday, December 16, 2011
Friday, December 09, 2011
Tropicais Tracy: Home is Where the Journey Takes You
Every time someone from a foreign country asks me where I'm from, I find it easier to say that I'm from Bali rather than from Indonesia. Luckily, some people know a little bit more about Indonesia — yet their imagination tells them that Indonesia is full of beautiful beaches (true) and full of jungles (half true) and full of orangutans (I wish!). Then when I say Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia the image they get is probably more in keeping with what Jakarta was 500 years ago.
I forgive their ignorance and really wish I could play along and offer them some dramatic stories about the jungle of Jakarta, just to jokingly confirm their mistaken ideas. But my conscience reminds me "thou shall not lie," and I want to keep that commandment close to my heart. So I explain what Indonesia looks like these days. I can totally see their disappointment. I've heard similar stories from an expatriate friend; people were shocked to hear that she was living in "the jungle" of Jakarta. To clear up the confusion, she created a photo album on her Facebook page dedicated to Jakarta for her foreign friends to see. One day I happened to read some of the comments below the photos and laughed imagining the facial expressions of these people seeing Jalan Sudirman, the huge malls and the rest of the great architecture of Jakarta.
Jakarta is a beautiful city. There are approximately 10 million people living in this megapolitan, and every workday approximately 1.1 million more pour into Jakarta from neighboring cities. Every year, more and more people come to live, study and work in Jakarta. Most of the people who live here are not really locals. The global village of Jakarta is famous for making your dreams reality: the city of hope, the city of bright futures. There have been plenty of stories about poor people who showed up in Jakarta and turned themselves into successes.
But this is also a city of tears. One of the famous songs my grandmother loves to sing is dedicated to the poor workers who wash up on Jakarta's shores. The lyrics go, "Sapa suru datang Jakarta, sandiri suka, sandiri rasa," which roughly translates as, "Who told you to come to Jakarta, I do it because I like it and I alone will feel it." An Indonesian proverb says: "As cruel as a step-mother can be, Jakarta is worse." But this doesn't scare anyone from coming to Jakarta, including me, Tracy the brave. We are in one pot, full of diversity, from entertainment, politics, business, tourism etc. And yet there is unity, everyone is pursuing dreams. I would love to say that Jakarta is the city that never sleeps, just like my other favorite city, New York.
But Jakarta can be a ghost town sometimes. It's not as spooky as the billboards for Indonesian horror films (trust me, I'm not a fan), but it is a ghost town for around three to four days a year at Idul Fitri time. This is when non-Jakartans leave to return to their hometowns, and this is the best time to ride around the city: no traffic, a little more speed, and plenty of parking spaces — heaven!
In my journey of being a world citizen, people often asked, "Where do you live?" I responded, "I live in my suitcase, city to city, country to country, home is where my heart is." When people asked, "Where is home for you?," the easy answer was Bali. But most people wouldn't settle for that, mostly because they don’t think I look like a local. I have to explain that my parents lived in Bali, Mom was mixed Kalimantan and Menadonese with even more diversity in her ethnicity, and Dad is from Rio de Janeiro. With that I often remember what my Brazilian grandma used to say: "You are so blessed to come from two paradises: Bali and Rio de Janeiro." Indeed I'm blessed.
Living in the city of Jakarta is not easy. We need to learn the written law and the unwritten law, we need to adapt, we need to be flexible and to stay firm, we need to learn the skill of life, to enjoy life, to see opportunity beyond all difficulties, to learn how to release tension and stress, to enjoy the ride even though we may be stuck in traffic.
Life is full of small and big adventures, a wonderful journey that everyone must take to arrive at the destination. I constantly need to learn to enjoy the views, the people and the places here in Jakarta. While focusing on the destination, I'm enjoying the journey.
By: Tracy Trinita.
It has been published on: http://www.thejakartaglobe.com/jakartajungle/tropicais-tracy-home-is-where-the-journey-takes-you/438446
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Imaginary diaries of the King Henry VIII
By: Tracy Trinita
Imaginary diaries of the King Henry VIII
Henry VIII was a significant figure in the history of the English monarchy.
He was born as a child of a king but it was his older brother Arthur who was supposed to reign. But destiny changed when Arthur became ill and died at the age of sixteen.
Arthur left a young wife named Catherine of the Aragon. Yes, it was an arranged marriage; King Henry VII needed to have a strong bond with the Spanish Kingdom for political reasons. Therefore, Arthur was married to the young maiden Catherine. The King commanded his son Henry VIII to marry her as soon he was ready. Even though he thought to marry this young widow he would later change his mind.
Henry VIII, became a king on 21 April 1509. After having lost many children to death during infancy, king Henry started to question of his marriage to Catherine, seeing it as a curse. Even though he thought of divorcing her and marrying another woman, he could not. England at that time was under the Roman Catholic Church and in the Church’s view only death could separate married couple.
A ‘shining light’ came out in the midst of his darkness of confusion, he met a woman that changed him and made him more than ever before desire to give up Catherine and marry the girl named Anne Boleyn. At this point king Henry found support from a Christian theologian named Thomas Cranmer who happened to know Anne’s family and had been influenced by the German Reformation.
There is a triangle of need: King Henry VIII wants to be with Anne Boleyn badly at any price, Anne Boleyn wants to become the Queen and would not settle for less than that, and for Thomas Cranmer this is an opportunity to bring the Reformation to England, so the people can freely have the Bible translated in English and many of his ministry’s agenda enacted.
In the midst of this conflict of interest in England, history was being rocked by the raising of the Protestant cause and the temporary falling of the Catholic Church in some areas of Europe.
In these times the Anglican church was born, after many struggles concerning the separating from the Roman hierarchy, at last King Henry became the Supreme Head of the Church of England. For his help, Cranmer was appointed archbishop of Canterbury in March 1533.
In this project I will attempt to imagine king Henry VIII diary. What would he write about the significant moment in his year and the climax of the story of when he was becoming the Supreme Head of the Church of England. To see the real motivation of his heart and how God used that to bring change in the church in England, it was not a Protestant Reformation, yet, but it was the beginning.
Imaginary diaries of the King Henry VIII
King Henry VIII
Some have reported that out “of the 500 living in the diocese of Canterbury for example, only twenty six parish priests were recorded as at all absent and then mostly on administrative business” they also say “we need more school masters and less irresponsible priests who love money more than God”.
Why would I care? This is not supposed to be my concern; surely it is the responsibility of the Papal authority of the Roman church.
On another note, I am astonished with the long-line of pilgrims to ‘Our Lady of Walingham’ in Norfork. Where a sacred milk of the virgin becoming a legend and they believe it was transported directly from the Holy Land to East Anglia. And yet some scholars complain that in the Holy Bible there is no such a thing! I was asked to grant the right to publish Wyclif and Lorrards’ Bible translation, would I grant that request? Of course not, my own Father is against this, why would I not be too?
The birth of Prince Henry
Today is my happiest day. Finally, after waiting for many years I finally have an heir.
A lovely son was born today and I named him Prince Henry.
He is the apple of my eyes, my beloved son. I saw my wife, Queen Catherine of Aragon, ooh poor Catherine she was exhausted from hours of birth labour, but at last her labour is not in vain. This beautiful baby will fill our days with so much laughter and joy.
Out of gratefulness for this wonderful blessing, I will be going to Norfolk to pray to Our Lady of Walsingham, to give thanks for being the patron for our little Prince Henry. I prepared this beautiful precious Ruby necklace too and I also spent 48 shillings and 8 pence to burn the King’s candle; that should be enough for years of candlelight burning. I will do anything for my little prince’s well being. For now, I will be going to see my little precious prince Henry again.
Death of Prince Henry – 22 February 1511
My heart shrivels, I’m in my darkest hour, the mourning,
The cry of my heart, I am crushed. Why has this had to happen to me.
I was so joyful to know I finally had a son,
My little precious Prince Henry and now is all gone.
Why? Why did he have to die at such a young age?
Just weeks of life, why? My heart kept asking and no one dared to answer. Is it not enough, Lady of Walingham? The ruby necklace and years supply of candles. Why could you not save my son, protect him? Do I have to go to all the Saints for his safety? I really do not know what is happening in my life. Am I under a curse? Is it because I married my brother’s wife? If that was wrong, how was I to know? I was only eleven years old when my older Brother died and left his wife a widow at the age of sixteen. Every time Catherine bore a child, very soon it dies. Who is bearing the mistakes here, if I’m under curse, why and how am I to remove it? I am crushed, I cannot see the morning, all is cloudy and dark. I just want my son back. “Death of my son and heir has stung me grievously. No sooner had we celebrated and given thanks for him, the good Lord has called my son back to his arms. My lady wife, who “like a natural woman” was devastated by the news and “made much lamentation”. I had comforted her “wondrous wisely”, and hoped in time my beloved Queen may accept the death of our beloved prince as the will of God. Like a true King, I shall make no great mourning outwardly, but shall spend lavishly on a funeral for Prince Henry.”
Catherine just gave birth, I’ve been waiting for 9 months and 10 days for this baby, will it be a heir, a little prince for me? There is knocking on my door. I have to go.
I am now back at the king’s desk, back at the deepest disappointment. A daughter was born and we named her Mary.
I should be grateful, she is healthy, so is the mother. Did not the Spanish kingdom heavily advertise that the Spanish princess was full of fruitfulness and promise for me ‘you will have an heir’ they said. I hope when I introduce Princess Mary to the people, I will not look disappointed, I need to hide this well.
For many months my people were preparing beautifully made costumes, I am looking forward to winning this battle. This is not a common war with swords and lances but with something more deadly: style. Who said that kings do not have sense of humour? It was the New Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V’s Idea for his son King Francis I and I, King Henry VIII, to demonstrate the decoration and design of each kingdom in clothing. At the “field of the cloth of gold” we had our grand parade involving thousands of people.
But, something caught my eye more than the splendour of the costumes… the women.
How marvellous God created them.
Mistress – 1523
I can do anything to anyone, for the power of the King is unlimited. Well, I could not help it but to blush when Mary Boleyn constantly complimented me. I start to sense a little guilty pleasure after all she is a married woman. But there is something within me thought this is fine, her husband does not get upset at me, he should not. After all, it was not king David and Bethseba. Nevertheless the Boleyn’s family is such a fine family, very well educated; both of the daughters Mary and Anne went to France to be lady in waiting at the palace.
Drawn to Anne – 1525
There is something about her I do not know what exactly it is yet. There is some attractiveness beyond her beauty and that long black hair and wide eyes, they do not catch me much, but I’m falling for something bigger within. I want her. I could not think of anything in the world right now but to have her. She is perfect the woman courtier. Her carriage was graceful and her French clothes were pleasing and stylish; she danced with ease, had a pleasant singing voice, played the lute and several other musical instruments well, and spoke French fluently. A remarkable, intelligent, quick-witted young noblewoman... that first drew people into conversation with her and then she amused and entertained them. In short, her energy and vitality makes her the centre of attention in any social gathering. And I could not want her more, I want her so badly.
“Declare I dare not” – February 1526
A lady of grace, wit, and sophistication has touched upon my heart. My heart seeks to know more of thee.
I could not be bothered much about anything else, Anne filled my mind and seduced me somehow. I heard in a report that 3000 copies of Tyndale’s translation of the New Testament were actuality printed in the German city of Worms. They became portable enough to be smuggled into England through the Lutheran-Lollard underground that flourished especially in port cities, which had regular contacts with Protestant Northern Europe. Sailors from Hull, who had visited Bremen and had been astonished by a place where priests were married, brought back the Bibles hidden in casks of wax or grain. What can I do about it? I really think this should be handle very soon, but for now I want to get what I want.
Summer 1526
I was dancing with Anne in front of my queen Catherine. Could she see the spark in my eyes when I saw Anne? As the music flows I wonder if Anne should be my future wife? After all, I think I discover I am under a curse for marrying my dead brother’s wife. I am clear that this is in Levitius 20:21 and this is exactly what I did wrong too. I asked Anne to be with me, be my mistress, be there for me at the palace, to my surprise she refused, "I beseech your highness most earnestly to desist, and to this my answer in good part. I would rather lose my life than my honesty." she ended with a little smile and looked down. She deserves better than what I offer, I would agree.
“How I wish I could tell the world of you! Alas, declare je nos (declare I dare not). My lady is of the highest virtue and will not surrender. Upon her rejection, I told her that I shall live in hope. And yet again she proclaimed that I should not retain any hope as she cannot be my wife as she is unworthy and I have a queen. My lady has the soul of an angel and a spirit worthy of a crown!”
Doubts of marriage to Katherine of Aragon – 1527
For some years past, I have turned to my bible in search of guidance. Again and again I return to the passage in chapter 20 of the Book of Leviticus, which warned severely of the penalty inflicted by God on a man who married his brother’s widow: “And if a man shall take his brother’s wife, it is an unclean thing: he hath uncovered his brother’s nakedness; they shall be childless.” Beloved as she is, the Princess Mary is no Prince. England still needs a Prince and an heir. Can the prohibition in Leviticus be applied to my own marriage? Has God punished us both for offending Him in this marriage by denying us sons? My conscience demands something to be done.
And yet, I cannot forget the sight of the then young Infant Katherine as she made her way into London, or the sight of her on her wedding day to my brother Arthur, her dignity and calm in the face of poverty during her widowhood and finally as the most beautiful of brides and queen.
England still needs a Prince! Perhaps this is the time for an application for annulment?
May 1527
I have decided to test the validity of my marriage in the ecclesiastical courts. It is the only way. My lady has professed her love and devotion to me. It is time. God has punished me for wedding my brother’s widow. Thus making our union invalid and unlawful. I have instructed Wolsey to take steps to instigate proceeding.
I set my hopes upon a direct appeal to the Holy See, acting independently of Cardinal Wolsey, to whom I at first communicated nothing of his plans related to Anne. Of course my only reason is a few and that would be to marry Anne and to have a heir from her.
I told my secretary William Knight, to send a letter to Pope Clement VII to sue for the annulment of my marriage to Catherine, on the grounds that the dispensing bull of Pope Julius II was obtained by false pretences. I also petitioned, in the event of my moment of becoming a free man, a dispensation to contract a new marriage with any woman even in the first degree of affinity, whether the affinity was contracted by lawful or unlawful connection. I just want to make sure I can marry my beloved Anne.
June 1527
The Queen was in great grief as I informed her of my troubled conscience, and my resolve to separate myself from her at bed and at board. I tried to pacify her, saying that I hoped I might be allowed to return to her, as I only wished to find out the truth of our marriage. I begged her not to speak of the matter to anyone. I assured her that all will be well. Katherine was apprehensive. I could do nothing but leave.
Queen Catherine was banished from court and her old rooms were given to my beloved Anne. With Wolsey gone, Anne now had considerable power over government appointments and political matters. I’m glad she is able to take some important role in the society. We just heard the Archbishop of Canterbury William Warham had just died, Anne suggested that the Boleyn family's chaplain, Thomas Cranmer, should be appointed to the vacant position. After all I must thank him for standing for us and giving us this possibility to be married and to take the leadership of the church. Cranmer requested of me to grant the right for publishing a few theological books. I have to decide soon.
February 1531
I stood in Parliament and demanded that the Church of England recognize and acknowledge I, the King, as its sole protector and supreme head. The English Reformation was born at a time where the Holy See had become an institution increasingly at odds with the burgeoning nationalism of English people.
The breaking of the power of Rome in England proceeded slowly. A lawyer who was a supporter of Anne, Thomas Cromwell, brought before Parliament a number of acts including the Supplication against the Ordinaries and the Submission of the Clergy, which recognised Royal Supremacy over the church. Following these acts, Thomas More resigned as Chancellor, leaving Cromwell as my chief minister.
The wedding between Anne and I actually took place on 25 January 1533.
Catherine was formally stripped of her title as queen, and Anne was consequently crowned queen consort on 1 June 1533. The queen gave birth slightly prematurely on 7 September 1533. Anne had given birth to a girl who was christened Elizabeth, in honour of my mother, Elizabeth of York.
I am happy that by rejecting the decisions of the Pope, Parliament validated the marriage of Anne and I with the Act of Succession. Catherine's daughter, Lady Mary, was declared illegitimate, and I want to make sure Anne's issue were declared next in the line of succession. Most notable in this declaration was a clause repudiating "any foreign authority, prince or potentate". All adults in the Kingdom were required to acknowledge the Act's provisions by oath and those who refused were subject to imprisonment for life. Any publisher or printer of any literature alleging that the marriage was invalid was automatically guilty of high treason and could be punished by death.
Just right before separating from Rome during my reign, I am well aware of a theological separation that had been foreshadowed by various movements within the English church such as Lollardy,
The Emperor Charles V, Pope Clement VII refused the annulment, of course he would because I am very clear he is under pressure from his aunt Catherine of Aragon. Eventually, I, although I believe theologically a doctrinal Catholic, took the position of Supreme Head of the Church of England to ensure the annulment of my marriage. The price for this was excommunication by Pope Paul III but I am taking the higher leadership, just one before God. The Act of Supremacy 1534 declared that the King was "the only Supreme Head in Earth of the Church of England"
By: Tracy Trinita
Schama, Simon. History of Britain 1. 3000 BC-AD 1603 At the age of the world?. BBC Book. 2003. England.
Weir, A.,. The Six Wives of Henry VIII. Bodley Head. 1991. London
Friday, May 06, 2011
rokok Gerbang Menuju Narkoba
Tracy Trinita: Rokok Gerbang Menuju Narkoba
Tracy Trinita seolah menghilang. Setidaknya, nama, senyum dan tubuhnya jarang muncul dari media massa di Indonesia. Model terkenal itu ternyata tidak mau larut dengan dunia model. Ternyata, ia tengah belajar di Jurusan Apostel Universitas Oxford, Inggris. Ia memang tekun mendalami dunia agama. Tapi perempuan bertubuh tinggi itu juga dikenal sikapnya yang antirokok. Di tengah kesibukan belajar, ia semangat menjawab pertanyaan SP berkaitan dengan dunia rokok. Berikut sebagian hasil wawancaranya.
P: Apa sebenarnya yang diharapkan orang dari merokok? Apakah merokok itu memang perlu untuk mendapatkan inspirasi, kerja bisa lebih baik, dsb?
Menurut saya yang diharapkan orang dari merokok bervariasi. Pada langkah awalnya, faktor pemicunya adalah keinginan untuk menunjukkan jati diri, menarik perhatian, atau mungkin hanya faktor keingintahuan. Misalnya, merokok dapat dipicu oleh keinginan seorang remaja untuk bisa diterima oleh lingkungan pergaulannya. Namun, bila seorang perokok sudah ketagihan, alasan berikutnya mengapa orang masih merokok hanyalah untuk memenuhi rasa ketagihannya dan bukan lagi faktor yang mendorongnya untuk merokok pada langkah awal.
Mengenai bagian kedua dari pertanyaan di atas, hal ini merupakan suatu paradoks. Banyak orang yang menggunakan alasan kalau merokok dapat membantu pemikiran sebagai pembenaran kalau merokok itu bisa membuat mereka bisa lebih berkonsentrasi. Namun, sebenarnya, fenomena dimana orang yang bila tidak merokok mengakibatkan tidak bisa berpikir adalah suatu akibat negatif dari kecanduan rokok. Saya pribadi meyakini bahwa di mana ada niat untuk berkonsentrasi pastilah orang itu dapat melakukannya tanpa bantuan rokok.
Ada yang mengatakan, rokok adalah awal dari kerusakan moral, karena berlanjut ke minuman keras, narkoba, seks bebas, dsb. Bagaimana menurut Anda?
Saya setuju dengan pernyataan yang mengatakan bahwa rokok adalah gerbang utama untuk mencoba narkoba. Walaupun demikian, banyak juga orang yang terjebak dalam narkoba tanpa pernah mencoba rokok sebelumnya. Bentuk dari berbagai macam ketagihan bisa membuat orang berpindah dari satu ketagihan ke ketagihan lainnya.
Apakah Anda juga merokok? Mengapa?
Saya memutuskan untuk tidak merokok. Terlepas dari ketidaksukaan saya dari rasa dan efek rokok, saya bertanggung jawab secara moral untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh dan lingkungan sekitar saya.
Apakah Anda merasa terganggu bila di tempat umum ada orang yang asyik merokok? Apakah memang perlu ada smoking area? Mohon penjelasannya.
Saya merasa bahwa orang yang merokok di tempat umum adalah orang yang egois karena memberikan efek negatif rokok kepada orang lain. Di tempat dimana saya sekarang tinggal, mulai tanggal 1 Juli ini, pemerintah membuat suatu peraturan baru di mana di seluruh tempat umum dijadikan tempat dilarang merokok. Untuk saya ini langkah cerdas karena pemerintah menyadari kesehatan masyarakat luas jauh lebih penting dari memenuhi keinginan individual untuk menikmati nikotin.
Bagaimana Anda menyikapi fakta bahwa ternyata jumlah perokok terus bertambah? Anak-anak ter- nyata juga sudah mulai merokok?
Faktor ini dipicu oleh banyak hal. Pertama pendidikan, kedua lingkungan, dan ketiga media. Ketiga dari ini adalah tanggung jawab kita bersama sebagai pemerintah, masyarakat, dan keluarga. Dengan bertambahnya perokok dan anak dibawah umur harusnya menjadi sebuah warning kepada pemerintah untuk sege- ra mengambil alih dalam lingkup yang besar untuk men-didik masyarakat luas akan bahaya dari rokok dan narkoba.
Apakah Anda punya kiat agar mereka bisa berhenti merokok?
Metode cara berhenti merokok bervariasi. Tetapi ini semua hanya bisa mendukung suatu keputusan yang penuh dengan niat dan pantang menyerah untuk berhenti merokok.
Apa harapan Anda terhadap Hari Tanpa Tembakau Sedunia kali ini?
Yang saya harapkan adalah ini tidak hanya menjadi suatu kultur tahunan tetapi harian yakni semangat dari setiap orang yang mendukung hari tanpa tembakau sedunia untuk melakukan bagiannya kepada lingkungan sekitarnya terutama di keluarganya. Harapan kedua saya adalah pemerintah melakukan suatu program pengenalan akan bahaya rokok dan narkoba secara besar-besaran di kota dan di desa-desa di seluruh Indonesia sebagai investasi untuk masa depan kesehatan bangsa Indonesia.
Mungkin ada cerita khusus mengenai rokok atau soal tembakau?
Saya menghargai apa yang pemerintah Singapura lakukan dalam memberikan contoh fakta akibat dari rokok dalam bentuk gambar/foto penyakit kanker, jantung yang terkontaminasi, penyakit organ tubuh lainnya yang terkena efek akibat dari rokok. Gambar ini ditempelkan di setiap bungkus rokok untuk menunjukkan kepada masyarakat secara visual akibat dari rokok, bukan seperti di Indonesia yang hanya menulis kalimat pendek ‘merokok dapat mengakibatkan… Teman saya yang kebetulan sempat membeli sebungkus rokok dari Singapura menjadi begitu takut dari efek gambar di bungkus rokok itu. Saya sangat berharap adanya langkah tegas dari pemerintah, masyarakat dan NGO untuk mendukung Indonesia bebas tembakau. [S-27]
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
At the age of fourteen, Tracy Trinita was the first Indonesian model ever won the prestige Elite Model Look International competition in 1995. Prior to that, she was named the Cover Girl of the Year from Mode magazine, Indonesia. That was the start of her international modeling career that brought her across the globe: New York, Paris, Milan, Spain and Sydney to name the few. She appeared regularly in New York and Paris fashion week for prestigious labels such as Yves Saint Laurent, Jean Paul Gautier, Kenzo and more. Her remarkable global campaign for United Colour of Benetton was one of the highlight of her youth. In 2001, she returned home after 6 years living abroad. Easily she found her way into Indonesia's entertainment industry, her career moved on from silver screen and television series actress to screen writer and music promoter while maintaining her little beach fashion shop in Bali.
Grew up in Bali with mixed religion background yet in 2001, she first encountered Christian faith that immediately touched both her heart and mind. In 2002, she accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior and King. Since then, she has been involved in ministry including mission trip to the jungles of Kalimantan. In 2006 by God's grace, she received a full scholarship to study at Oxford Christian Centre for Apologetics, Oxford University, UK. Finished with her postgraduate work, she continued her study in Christian Theology in Wycliffe Hall, Oxford (2007- 2009).
Tracy's passion is to share her knowledge and faith by equipping others with the truth of the word of God and renewing minds through apologetics. Borrowing her favorite apologist Ravi Zacharias' quote, she firmly strives to "make believer think, and the thinker believe". Complimenting an enlightened mind, she also believes that one has to be the salt and light of the world through all the talents and capacity God entrusted in them.
She now served as an apologist and itinerant speaker in Yayasan Pengembangan Apologetika Indonesia (YPAI), she also dedicates herself as pastor in the International English Church (IES), Jakarta.
Tracy speaks extensively in many Christian meetings and universities in countries outside Indonesia such as Singapore, United Kingdom, Australia, and US.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Mystery of Jesus (Poem by: James Stewart)
He was the meekest and lowliest of all the sons of men. Yet he spoke of coming on the clouds of heaven with the glory of God. He was so austere that evil spirits and demons cried out in terror at his coming, yet he was so genial and winsome and approachable, that the children loved to play with him and the little ones nestled in his arms. His presence at the innocent gaiety of a village wedding, was like the presence of sunshine. No one was half so kind or compassionate to sinners, yet no one ever spoke such red-hot scorching words about sin.
A bruised reed he would not break. His whole life was love. Yet on one occasion he demanded of the Pharisees, how they were expected to escape the damnation of hell.
He was a dreamer of dreams and a seer of visions, yet for sheer stark realism, he has all of us self-styled realists soundly beaten. He was the servant of all, washing the disciples' feet, yet masterfully he strode into the temple, and the hucksters and moneychangers fell over one another to get away in their mad rush from the fire they saw blazing in his eyes. He saved others, yet at the last, he himself did not save. There is nothing in history like the union of contrasts which confronts us in the gospels; the mystery of Jesus is the mystery of divine personality.
A bruised reed he would not break. His whole life was love. Yet on one occasion he demanded of the Pharisees, how they were expected to escape the damnation of hell.
He was a dreamer of dreams and a seer of visions, yet for sheer stark realism, he has all of us self-styled realists soundly beaten. He was the servant of all, washing the disciples' feet, yet masterfully he strode into the temple, and the hucksters and moneychangers fell over one another to get away in their mad rush from the fire they saw blazing in his eyes. He saved others, yet at the last, he himself did not save. There is nothing in history like the union of contrasts which confronts us in the gospels; the mystery of Jesus is the mystery of divine personality.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Pertanyaan dari warga twitter
Suatu hari dipenghujung senja, saat saya berkelana menembus perajalanan pulang. Diantar oleh kereta beroda empat yang meluncur di sepanjang jalan aspal dalam tempo yang tidak pasti. Terus terang, perjalanan ini terkadang terasa melelahkan dan membosankan, sehingga untuk membuatnya lebih menarik, saya mulai bertanya kepada warga dari kerajaan Twitter kiranya mereka mau berbaik hati untuk memberikan pertanyaan yang unik dan menarik yang ingin mereka tanyakan tentang saya. Bersyukur untuk warga Twitter yang begitu baik dan mau meluangkan waktunya untuk memberikan pertanyaan ke saya. Dari sekian banyak inilah pilihan saya:
Tracy: I believed it was kodok kecil di perkarangan rumah saat saya berusia di bawah 5 tahun, suka nangkap kodok dan main sama anak kodok. trus juga anak cicak.
oops! tanpa bermaksud untuk nakutin, I also like normal pet kok :p a puppy! they are soooo cute, my first puppy given to me when I was 7! .
Tapi my most favourite pet I ever seen adalah orang utan milik tetangga.
Tracy:Hahaha... Yes! my 1st boyfriend was 5 cm shorter than me =)
Tracy: It was in Bali zoo in 2008 it was such an awesome feeling. I'll try to find the photo if I could.
RT @RevaVirgio: @TracyTrinita who is your first love?? Masih kontak sama dia ga? :p
Tracy: depend, my first crush when I was in the 5th grade, but I was dating my first boyfriend few years later for 6 years. I don't stay in touch with any of my ex boyfriends, because we moved on and is better this way.
Tracy: Ariel! the mermaid, it's sooooo me! hahahaha.....
RT @E_margaretha: @TracyTrinita when the first fall in love with Jesus??? :D
Tracy: The day I trusted Him to be my Saviour, the day He changed my heart. never been the same eversince, the love just goes stronger and deeper.
RT @miacars: @TracyTrinita : hev u ever fell on runway ??
Tracy: Yes I did! and it happened in Paris' Haute Couture show of yves saint laurent. I turned red tomato.
RT @rayshearer: @TracyTrinita when is your most diffucult time in your life? And how do you manage to deal with it?
Tracy: Many times and I realised that period of time actually has teaches me the most more than all the good time I had.
RT @Rdesianty: @TracyTrinita when and why you decide to full time for Jesus? :)
Tracy: When I realised everything is meaningless and I come to know The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and I can't resist.
Tracy: I'm a pastor at IES Church in Jakarta
( believed it or not, hahaha....)
Tracy: I actually have to bbm my closestfriend @adeandrini to ask her the same question, let me quote what she said: " Kind, Loyal, Smart." trust me, I turned red tomato again.
RT @junap_junap: @TracyTrinita apa kebiasaan tracy waktu kecil sehingga bisa tinggi seperti sekarang ? :)
Tracy: Makan bambu, lidi dan kacang panjang, hahahahaaha.... just kidding!
well I think I swim alot, like sehari bisa 3 sampe 5 jam di pantai legian, dekat rumah, but mostly is in the genes, both my parents are tall.
Ini bukanlah akhir dari pertanyaan dari warga Twitter, karena akan terus ada perjalanan membosankan dari kantor kerumah yang membuat saya akan bertanya kembali.
Is your questions will be next?
Friday, January 07, 2011
Martin Luther on the Bible and saved by grace
Martin Luther on the Bible and saved by grace

Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Ada buku yang menarik perhatian saya dimasa kecil, yaitu "Buku Pintar: Mengapa Begini, Mengapa Begitu?". Buku ini memiliki 24 seri judul:
1. Alam
2. Aneka Keajaiban
3. Beginilah Kerjanya
4. Binatang Sahabat Kita
5. Bumi dan Angkasa
6. Bunga dan Pohon
7. Cobalah Sendiri
8. Dinosaurus
9. Dunia di Sekitar Kita
10. Dunia Serangga
11. Ekologi dan Lingkungan
12. Geografi dan Peta
13. Ilmuwan Kecil
14. Kehidupan Dalam Air
15. Kehidupan Sehari-hari
16. Mengenal Masyarakat
17. Musik dan Seni Rupa
18. Penemuan dan Reka Cipta
19. Percobaan Sederhana
20. Roda dan Sayap
21. Satwa Liar
22. Tempat-Tempat Terkenal
23. Tubuh Kita
24. Ulah Binatang
Seluruh buku tersebut membuat alam pemikiran saya dan kebun pengetahuan saya bertumbuh dan berkembang, seperti air yang menyegarkan daun ide serta bunga realisasi dalam kehidupan pola pikir saya.2. Aneka Keajaiban
3. Beginilah Kerjanya
4. Binatang Sahabat Kita
5. Bumi dan Angkasa
6. Bunga dan Pohon
7. Cobalah Sendiri
8. Dinosaurus
9. Dunia di Sekitar Kita
10. Dunia Serangga
11. Ekologi dan Lingkungan
12. Geografi dan Peta
13. Ilmuwan Kecil
14. Kehidupan Dalam Air
15. Kehidupan Sehari-hari
16. Mengenal Masyarakat
17. Musik dan Seni Rupa
18. Penemuan dan Reka Cipta
19. Percobaan Sederhana
20. Roda dan Sayap
21. Satwa Liar
22. Tempat-Tempat Terkenal
23. Tubuh Kita
24. Ulah Binatang
Ketika saya beranjak dewasa, makin banyak pertanyaan yang saya miliki. Rasa penasaran bercampur ketidakmengertian membuat saya terus bertanya "Mengapa begini? Dan mengapa begitu?".
Monday, January 03, 2011
Recommended Reading - Christianity-
Introductory Recommended Reading
John Bunyan, Pilgrims Progress
Daily Light on the Daily Path (collection of Bible readings)
Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth
Os Guinness, The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life
C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
C.S. Lewis, Screwtape Letters
J.I. Packer, Knowing God
Roger Steer, George Muller: Delighted in God
John Stott, The Cross of Christ
John White, The Fight
Brother Yun, Heavenly Man
Ravi Zacharias, The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us through the Events of Our Lives
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Note: The Gospels and Acts
The Gospels and Acts
The crux of the Bible lies within the Gospels. The entire Bible is meant to set up and then compliment the life of Jesus Christ, which is documented in the Gospels. Every key concept in the Bible lies within the Gospels. In layman’s terms, the Gospels are essentially Christianity 101. All of the foundations of Christianity are laid out in the Gospels. Acts on the other hand is more of a transitional book from the evangelical ministry of Christ's original disciples into the ministry of Paul.
Historical Background:
Jesus was born in the reign of Herod the Great who died shortly thereafter. Archelaus was his designated successor, he was however banished for 10 years due to the problems he inherited from his father. Samaria and Judea subsequently became direct Roman rule, headed by prefects as Pilate. Galilee and Perea became under the rule of Herod Antipas until A.D 39 when he was banished and Herod Agrippa took over. Two years later, Cesar Claudius enlarged his territory to Judea and Perea till his death in A.D44 at which point his land came back under direct Roman rule. Tension between Romans and Jews at this time intensified leading to a revolt in A.D 66 and climaxing in the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D 70.
Saturday, January 01, 2011
- The spiritual quest of Augustine -
The spiritual quest of Augustine
Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430 AD) was a great Christian theologian who made a significant impact throughout the centuries. His life journey was one of radical change, from being very open to the wild lifestyle such as partying, getting drunk, and free sex, to a transformation of his spirituality that led him in the end to know Jesus Christ as his Savior. After he become Christian, he gave a great contribution to the Christian world by defending the Christian faith, and in his teaching to strengthen the Christians. In his books ‘Confessions’, he expressed his ability in both natural and trained as a persuader. Augustine tries to demonstrate to the reader through his own life experience how God works in human lives. With his persuasive style he is able to engage with the thinkers in his time and that leads to many conversions. The time he spent pondering on God’s grace, the graces that saved him and gave him life with new meaning, has gave him public recognition as ‘the doctor of Grace’.
Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430 AD) was a great Christian theologian who made a significant impact throughout the centuries. His life journey was one of radical change, from being very open to the wild lifestyle such as partying, getting drunk, and free sex, to a transformation of his spirituality that led him in the end to know Jesus Christ as his Savior. After he become Christian, he gave a great contribution to the Christian world by defending the Christian faith, and in his teaching to strengthen the Christians. In his books ‘Confessions’, he expressed his ability in both natural and trained as a persuader. Augustine tries to demonstrate to the reader through his own life experience how God works in human lives. With his persuasive style he is able to engage with the thinkers in his time and that leads to many conversions. The time he spent pondering on God’s grace, the graces that saved him and gave him life with new meaning, has gave him public recognition as ‘the doctor of Grace’.
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