Wednesday, November 21, 2012



Hari ini, ditanggal yang sangat indah -21-11-12- tlah  tertulis sejarah baru dalam kehidupan saya...
Impian masa kecil yang tidak boleh redup.
Pengalaman dimasa remaja yang tidak boleh dilupakan.
Kenyataan yang pernah terjadi namun hancur lebur untuk sementara......
 Dan tibalah saatnya...

Saya memulai dari bawah, dari awal, dengan cara yang berbeda, dengan orang yang berbeda, dikota yang berbeda.

Bulan Mei kemarin saya menutup boutique kecil milik saya di daerah Seminyak Bali. It was heartbreaking moment. 7 tahun perjuangan berakhir dengan "out of business'. Namun I'm not 'out of Hope.'  My dreams is still there waiting for God's perfect timing.

Impian itu tidak boleh redup, tidak boleh dilupakan, tidak boleh hancur lebur untuk slamanya...

Hari ini, ditanggal yang sangat indah, -21-11-12-, dihari yang sangat baik...
Tuhan menginjinkan saya untuk membuat impian menjadi kenyataan.

Hari ini saya akan memulai kembali, boutique kecil saya tidak lagi di Seminyak Bali, namun di setiap ruang komputer, dimanapun anda berada, dari sabang sampai merauke, mungkin sampai di benua barat sana. (terima kasih atas waktu yang diberikan untuk membaca tulisan ini dan mengunjungi boutique kecil saya).

Baru sadar kalau boutique saya menjadi ruang tanpa batas, reaching out to you, in wherever you are. 
Wow! All I can say what an amazing God I served, He closed down my shop (I'm a believer that God sovereign on every details), so I can expand and say hello to the world... dunia tanpa batas. 

Hari ini, saya membuka, memulai, merangkai lembaran baru... terima kasih Tuhan, untuk kesempatan kedua yang lebih baik lagi. Kiranya apapun yang hamba kerjakan hanya membawa harum nama Tuhan dimanapun hamba berada. Glory to God alone.

Jangan redupkan cahayamu dan impianmu... bila hatimu tidak mau berhenti bermimpi hal yang sama, mungkin inilah saatnya untuk berjuang membuatnya menjadi kenyataan. Selamat berkarya!

Dengan penuh hormat, I would like to invite you to visit and share:

Salam Kasih, 

Tracy Trinita

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Kriiiiiing Kriiiiiiiiiiing Telfonku berbunyi.... Zzzzzzzz.....

Miss Piggy pink is on the phone

Kriiiiiiiiiiiiiiing Suara Handphone berdering, dan berdering, terus berdering.... Akhirnya ada suara yang menjawab.
Penerima: Hallo... Hallooooooo....
 Penephone: eh halloo.. kedengeran ga???
Penerima: Hallooooo...
Penephone: eehhh bisa denger suara gw gaa???
Penerima: Halloooooooooooooooooo...
Penephone: Gw bisa denger suara lu, can you hear me?
Penerima: aduuuuh ga kedengeran nihhh, pantesan! kan ini voicemail, silahkan tinggalkan pesan  setelah beep dan saya akan coba hubungi balik, kalau inget! byeeee... *Beep*
Penephone: Sialan! gw dari tadi ngomong sendiri dongg sama voice mail!!! Prrffffff...

I think, kisah ini pernah terjadi di beberapa tahun yang lalu. Dimulai dari kebiasaan pingin isengin temen akhirnya bikin voicemail iseng dan senang bangettt denger temen temen ngomel.. hahaha...
Dulu sukaaaaa banget ngobrol di telfon, bisa berjam jam, pernah ngobrol sampe 6 jam nonstop sampe telinga panas bangetttt. 

Everybody loves phone.. 

Namun kebiasaan ngobrol di telfon (bisa berjam jam) tiba tiba hilang saat pindah ke kota kecil Bernama Oxford yang berjarak 83 km dari kota London, Inggris. 
Di kota ini saya tinggal selama 3 tahun untuk menimbah ilmu. 
Hari hari dihabiskan di kampus dan karena setiap hari ketemu dengan teman teman sekolah akhirnya jarang ada yang telfon ke handphone. Karena sangat jarang menerima telephone masuk, si handphone pun di 'istirahatkan" dirumah. 

Kebiasaan inipun terbawa hingga sekarang, seminggu paling banyak saya terima 3 calls, tapi bisa baca hampir 50an missed call. 
sigh.. sedih juga sih tapi saya males banget ngobrol di telp. 
masih inget ga waktu kita kecil, disaat handphone belum ada? (oh please.. I'm not that old hahaaha... handphone kan baru mewabah di tahun 2000an)

Dunia tanpa dering telfon cukup membawa damai... setiap orang yang berbicara kepada kita penuh konsentrasi mendengar obrolan kita, begitupun sebaliknya. 

Mr. Sheep Sheep is on the phone.. 

Dibandingkan sekarang, beberapa waktu yang lalu saya bicara dengan seorang teman yang memegang handphonenya dan saya sedang bercerita penting, hingga akhir cerita saya dia masih ngetik di handphone sambil sesekali bilang "terus..terus.." and I asked her to repeat what i just said, ehhh dia ga bisa. what a waste of my time! semenjak itu kalau orang lihat ke handphone disaat saya berbicara kepadanya saya akan berhenti sampai dia bisa konsentrasi mendengarkan otherwise i dont have to waste my voice and time kan?

Akan tetapi saya juga menyadari manfaat telfon, sangat penting apalagi disaat emergency, waktu sakit kemarin teman saya Echy bisa nolong saya untuk ketemu dirumah sakit (9 hari di opname, will tell the story next time ya) karena kami berkomunikasi via telfon.
Kalau lagi panik nyasar dijalan, saya sering telfon temen saya Astrid atau Yellow Page buat nanya jalan dan masih banyak kegunaan telfon. 

Intinya adalah bagaimana kita bisa mengunakan telfon dengan bijaksana. jangan sampai kita 'menjauhkan yang dekat'dengan handphone kita, karena orang disekeliling kita berharga. Kalaupun jarak memisahkan kita bisa mengunakan telfon untuk dan 'mendekatkan yang jauh' asal tidak menganggu orang disekitar kita.

Saya sering frustasi kalau di restaurant melihat satu keluarga sedang makan dan tidak ada obrolan diantara mereka melainkan pada pegang handphone semua dan sibuk mengetik. Sedihnya, what a waste of precious time with the loved ones!

Saya berharap di hari hari kedepan saya bisa memilah milah telp masuk, mengangkat telfon dari orang yang saya kenal (sms dulu ya, biar saya bisa saved phone numbernya), cuekin telemarketing (hahaha.. sorry!) dan menghargai orang disekitar saya and be there when we can dan menikmati pembicaraan yang bermakna. 

Love people more than you love your phone!

Funny Quotes:

"I don't answer the phone.  I get the feeling whenever I do that there will be someone on the other end. " Fred Couples 

"The bathtub was invented in 1850 and the telephone in 1875.  In other words, if you had been living in 1850, you could have sat in the bathtub for 25 years without having to answer the phone." Bill DeWitt, 1972

Mr. Pooh is playing Angry bird game

Monday, October 01, 2012

A New Me! hahaha.. just the hair! :P

Someone once said "Life is an endless struggle full of frustrations and challenges, but eventually you find a hair stylist you like." I must admit that sounds quite right, Indeed life is full of endless struggle and challenges and that what makes life exciting and a nice place to live. 

I woke up every morning with a new hope.  After I'm done with my morning prayer, I start to get ready to work and hoping I will do much with the time given. 
But one day I woke up and I want a short hair (quite rare) I know it might be to risky for my dressing style, I love dresses and I'm super girly. I wasn't sure if I can pulled it off. 

It was near my birthday, so I said "I gotta do it,  I want to change something inside out for my birthday."
So few days ago I did say goodbye to my long hair (picture A)
Before (September 19, 2012)
I arrived at my friend's working place, hairdresser center, Sonny the super awesome hairstylist did cut my hair half first and he challenged me to cut the other half of the half....... And now I have shorthair cut and I'm very happy.
I feel soooooooooo light and now i can feel the breeze on the back of my neck hahaha... 

After (new haircut, September 21, 2012)

It is good to change, as long it doesn't hurt anyone and we don't run away from something. I learn on daily basis how to style and take care of it :) 
Someone once said "How can I control my life when I can't control my hair?  Hahaha... funny as it, life is not within our control, but it is in God's hands. our part is to do well in what He trusted us to do and be. My challenge to all of you is: shall we walk in faith while look good with our hairstyle? Hahahaha... :)  God is good, be good, do good... take care.


Tracy Trinita

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I love you...

By: Tracy Trinita 

You hugged me
And loved me
You showered me
with candy and kisses

I was the apple of your eyes
I was love and loved by you
Seeing you bring glows on my face
Everybody knows how much I love you

When I fall
I run to you
Your hugs meant so much
You meant the world to me

How my heart cherished
Hearing your love story
The war and the love
Roses and blood

The faith and hope
to be reunited
Once the war is finished
Two become one again

I watch the street from my window
Waiting for you to come home
As soon I see you
I burst out screaming and run to you

I hug you and I don't want to let go
Wrapped by your arm I feel secured
Can you not go again I asked
You answer with a smile and kiss my forehead

My fairytale life with you was wonderful
I played in the field and swam in the river
I ate so much fruits from the garden
My life was like a dream, I didn't want to wake up

Till one day, nightmare came
You bring me to Bali
And leave me there
I cried and miss you so..

Being far from you is the hardest
I hate the moment when we are apart
My face wet everynight under the pillow
How much I miss you so

I hate night
The darkest hour
When you left at the sunset
My world crushed to the ground

Wounded heart
Scarred heart
Injured heart
Broken heart

Did you know ever since that night
I can't sleep with the lights off
Scared of night
And watching the door maybe you will comeback

Come back to take me back
to my wonderful life
When you are around
Night feels like day

How I miss you so
I daydream about you
I wonder why you'd do this to me
I thought you love me

My mind remembers
When I was seating in the sofa
You took her hand and you are dancing
As she blushing ... You turn her around

The classic music
From a black plate
A love long spent
I witnessed you both

How much I love to see both of you
That wrinkle in her nose you love
Little body of her you hug
The person you spend most of your time with

As I grow older
I thought I'd be able to let you go
I move on and enjoy Bali
My life is school and the beach

Mom told me you were sick
I'm so worried I want to run and visit you
Can't wait for long holiday
Can't wait to see you

The day came, I'm in the car
Arriving at your house
I run to your room
I'm shocked

Why are you so skinny
Where is the man so tall and strong
You seems so weak, my eyes blur

You told me to stop crying
Stop adding more pain beside this pain
But grandpa.. I'm hurt too
And it is painful

Being with you everyday
Try to look fine but I'm crushed
I hope God can heal
What doctors have given up

I remember
When I was a little girl
Travelling with you
Flying hercules

I want to be like you
You, man of generous heart
Our home always full of visitor
People love you but not more than I do

But now..
In that bed you are lying
Holding the pain and suffering
I wish I can take that pain from you

Few months pass by
I got a phone call
Saying you are gone
And I'm broken into pieces

On the plane I cried
I hoped it was not to late to see you
for the very last time
Before you are buried

After your funeral
I'm still mourning
My brievement was 7 years
Painfully facing the world without you

New York, Paris, Milan and Sydney
witnessed my cries
Also Bali, Jakarta, Rio de Janeiro
and many more ...

How could they say I'm a lucky girl
When the glamour world is only the outside
But a lonely soul inside
A crushed heart in the big world

I wish you can see me in that magazine
On that tv and dvd
And in the newspaper you loved to read
No one will be more proud than you

I wonder night and day
On where you are now
How are you doing
Where are you going

I think only God can answer that
But Grandpa.. I don't really know him
How would I ask him ?
Will he answer me?

I asked people around me
And to my alter shocked I heard
Many answers given
I'm more confused

Some said there is reincarnation,
You will be somebody else
Some said there is punishment first,
You have to go to hell then heaven

Some also said 'you are gone,
blend with mother earth'
But there is one answer I like
And bright light come to my darkness

Long time ago, grandpa....
There was Abraham,
yes the father of all nation.
Finally God gave him Isaac

As he walked in the mountains
Isaac asked " where are we going, daddy?"
'To give sacrifice' he replied
A painful father walking with his beloved

Two of them walk to the top of the mountain
A faithful Abraham, preparing Isaac
A heart crushed but trusting God
Everything is ready and God says 'STOP'

God knows Abraham's faithfulness
Choosing God before everything else
On the other side of the mountain,
Forty two generations later
God gave His only son, to die for us

Jesus Christ died because he cut our sins
He want us to have life to the fullest
And to welcome us to God's kingdom
I hope you are with him by now...

My life has changed since I met Christ
My bitter life became better
My darkest hour became a bright morning hour
My very worst God changed to my very best

I wish we both knew Him long time ago
History will be different
You can be heal in time 
and be there at my wedding day

But it is okay grandpa... Don't be sad
I'm okay now since Jesus is near
He dried my tears and loved me
I'm no longer a lonely little girl

I want people to know Jesus Christ
Because only He can answer human struggle
And the living water he offers
Sweeter than any honey the world can offer

Last night I plead to God
To have your sins, so you can be in heaven
But if I have your sins on my shoulder
Is no longer there, grandpa..
Because Jesus Christ took all my sins away

So grandpa...
I will be seeing you in heaven
And I will hug you really hard
But I will let you go
Since I know we will be forever reunited in a place we both call home

Till then Grandpa...
Your granddaughter loves you so much
Prayers for you and I know you will enjoy spending time with God
See you in God's time, grandpa...

Little Echi

Oxford, 10 December 2008

Grandpa died in 1995 and it took me years to be able to talk about it. 
thank you for reading this.