Saturday, November 13, 2010

- My dream, my heart, and God's will -

My dream, my heart, and God's will.

As I'm doing my study on the book of Daniel and preparing preaching material, I can't help but ponder how Daniel felt when everything he had was taken away from him. Even worse, to see his people perish at war and some of the young men taken to Babylon, a foreign land indeed.

A lot of the time, when difficulties arise it seems we are just midgets facing giants in the battle field. No turning back, just there to face our biggest fear at that moment. Of course I often remember the story of David and Goliath, and it gives me hope to know that Daniel and David have one precious thing in common, that they have GOD in their lives.

I do too... It was such a joy when God found me. I was lost, a dead girl walking in my own land of no purpose and no meaning, glamorous from the outside and poverty of the soul on the inside. Thanks be to God for His saving Grace that 'taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved', described perfectly by John Newton in the well known 'Amazing Grace' song. I'm forever grateful to The Living God for calling me and welcoming me as part of the family of the Heavenly Kingdom. As I am now walking in the land full of purpose and meaning, I can constantly look up to God in good times as well as in bad times.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


Senang untuk bisa merapikan blog ini, setelah bertahun tahun memiliki blog namun tidak terurus, akhirnya tiba saatnya saya mempunyai keinginan untuk melakukan sesuatu yaitu dengan merapikan, merubah, dan mulai menulis.

Banyak sekali ide ide yang berlarian di dalam pikiran saya, ingin segera di wujudkan dalam bentuk kata kata dan berharap yang mau membaca bisa merasakan manfaatnya atau paling tidak bisa belajar dari kesalahan saya.

Semoga dengan adanya perubahan ini, saya  bisa semakin bersemangat dan lebih sering lagi menulis di blog ini. Terima kasih untuk telah meluangkan waktu membaca tulisan ini.

Salam kasih,

Tracy Trinita